Lesson 6: Cultural Dispositions
Possible Scenario Solutions
Scenario #1 Tom Hardy
Saving face is quite important in Wong's culture. Reprimanding the
employee in front of the other employees only served to embarrass the
employee and cause the others to be wary lest they should loose face
with team interactions. Any reprimands should have been private.
Scenario #2 Bernie Capian
This is an example of the achievement/ascription dimension. Jessica
has greater skill and ability, but Bernie has the connections related to
those with power and influence. Realizing that the board will be seeing
the recommendation (and assuming you still want to work for the
corporation), if you were to recommend Jessica you would need to
emphasize her skills, abilities and work ethic that has led her to this
opportunity. Remember on a GV team, skills and ability must take
precedence over ascription rights.