Call for Proposals

PIDT 2024, the 36th annual Professors of Instructional Design Technology (PIDT) conference, is an annual retreat where professors and advanced doctoral students preparing to become professors discuss current trends in our field. You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the 2024 PIDT conference and to share your unique knowledge and skills with your peers and emerging scholars. In keeping with PIDT tradition, at least half of the conference sessions will be decided during the event. We welcome submissions for session ideas and full proposals. Full proposals are due by March 15, 2024, and presenters will be notified by March 31, 2024 of their acceptance.

What should I propose? PIDT Topics and Conversation Threads

PIDT is an atypical conference as the sessions are more moderated conversations than presentations, or sometimes workshops to teach old dogs, er professors, new tricks. Following are some suggestions for the kinds of sessions you might propose:

  • a session where you present on a compelling idea. Not just a research study, but perhaps a new theoretical model or process that could push the field forward
  • a conversation on a topic that you will come prepared to lead. This should be a compelling topic, where we can learn from each other and feel we are better prepared to be leaders on that topic at our university. For example, in 2024 the conversation might be around AI and how to incorporate it into research or teaching.
  • professional development, where you teach us a new technology that people can use in research, teaching, or design
  • publication incubator, where you work with attendees to develop the idea for a book, article, or special issue
  • Q&A session where attendees can ask a panel questions to learn from their experience. In the past, there have been panels on how to publish in the field, how to succeed at getting tenure, how to navigate retirement, etc.
  • teacher chat, where attendees who teach a similar course can share their best ideas for teaching with each other
  • hands-on technology “petting zoo” where we can practice or play with new devices and learn about them
  • workshop where you teach us a new method or technology
  • etc. … what ideas do YOU have that you think would be useful to others?

To propose a session/conversation

To propose a session, fill out this Google Form.

You can also contact one of the conference planners to pitch an idea:

  • Rick West, BYU
  • Andy Walker, Utah State University
  • Rebecca Reese, Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
  • Yvonne Earnshaw, Kennesaw State

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