So last week I lamented the lack of research being done about one of the most widely implemented distance learning technologies, the course management system, and then today I opened up my AERA reviewer’s box and found two proposals related to CMSs for me to review.
I was elated! The titles were catchy, and it seemed we might be getting somewhere. Then I read the proposals.
One was a five-interview study on faculty perceptions of switching from one CMS to another. Like most research on CMSs, this was a diminutive study, tenuously supported by theory and not very generalizable in its implications. The other proposal ended up not being about research at all, but was a proposed roundtable to teach attendees about different CMS technologies. While it seemed like the author is knowledgeable and might teach a good workshop, as a research paper proposal, it fell short.
So in the end reviewing these proposals only strengthened my belief that we really haven’t effectively studied the impacts from implementing CMS technologies yet.
technorati tags:AECT2006, BlogTracks, BlogTrack, CMS, distance, learning, research, literature
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