This website’s design is amazing, as an example of creative advertising. Tip of the hat to Clif for pointing it out. I can’t say whether this creativity works or not. On the one hand, it seems less usable, and I struggled to be able to click on any of the products while the song and dance were going on.
On the other hand, the song and dance–the first time–kept me glued, and the genius of it is that it showed off all of their product lines, giving "eye time" to everything on the page.
What do you think? Does this work, or is it unusable? Either way, it’s cool.
Tags: advertising, marketing, web design, usability, creativity
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I get a relatively non-descript band across the top and the notation:
“You need to upgrade your Flash Player”
I already have the most current version available on my Linux laptop.
These fail to impress me.
I think it works from advertising and entertainment points of view. They are sure to ratchet up their traffic flow with this Rube Goldgerg-esque website design. From a sales point of view I don’t think this is practical. It really is difficult to try and click on anything and many actual consumers are likely to leave in frustration.
Thanks for the hat tip!
If you really want to buy stuff you should go to the ‘real’ HEMA website: