Our little boy was born today at 12:52 p.m. All went well, and he and my wife are doing great. He was 21.5 inches long and 7 lbs, 3 oz. He’s also got a thick mop of curly hair!
And get this — I got to deliver him! I was "Dr." for a day." ;-). Our OBGYN said he would help me deliver the baby, which was a really neat experience.
I’ll try to post a picture when I get them developed. We had forgotten our digital camera, so we had to go "old school" and use a disposable!
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Rick & Stephanie-
Whaaa-Whoooo!!! I’ve found you two! Through all the hussle and bussle and papers of moving, I found a Christmas card from the two of you, from 2005. I was sad to see that the first blog I tried hadn’t been touched for a few years, but found the other blog, that lead me here!
Scott and I have moved, we too have moved out here to the South. We are in Louisiana! Crazy hu?
Please give Stephanie my contact information, I’d love to hear from her & catch up. From reading your latest post, it looks like she may be busy for awhile; congratulations!
Send her my love and if by any chance she’s feeling up to a phone call, my number is 801-372-0219.
I haven’t looked over your blog yet, I was so excited to see that it was up-to-date and that I’d found you that I just had to write a quick note. I’ll check it out now.
Again, I’m excited to have found you two!
Jennifer Woolsey
Steph’s excited to hear from you! Yes, things are a little crazy now as she does a lot of sleeping to recover, but she’ll want to talk to you when she gets feeling better. What is your email address? You can send it to me if you want at rickwest – at – uga [dot] edu.