Cultural Competencies

 Principles of Global Virtual Teams

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Global Competence: Components

Cross-Cultural Attributes

Cross-cultural attributes include the willingness to explore and accept different cultures. It allows one to see past his or her ethnocentric attitudes and cultural beliefs to try and understand another's culture. Six considerations within this component are: Image compliments of

  1. Cultural Appreciation: A disposition that appreciates and respects cultural differences (e.g., language, social rules, political systems, arts, music, etc.).
  2. Cultural Openness: A disposition that evaluates cultural differences from a perspective different from one's own cultural norms and takes advantage of the differences when appropriate.
  3. Cultural Flexibility: A disposition that tolerates and flexibly deals with cultural differences without emotionally disturbing others.
  4. Cultural Equality: A disposition that views all cultures without prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination, and interacts with people from any culture as equals in social status.
  5. Global Exploration: A desire to learn about different cultures, world events, and social issues of the world.
  6. Global Citizenship: A desire to help or work with people from different countries to solve cross-cultural or global problems.

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Cultural Competencies Home

This website is a 2011 BYU project funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant (# EEC 0948997).

Content Author: Dr. Holt Zaugg, PhD EIME

Content Co-Author: Dr. Isaku Tateishi, PhD IP&T

Web Developer: Jennifer A. Alexander, MS IP&T

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