Cultural Competencies

 Principles of Global Virtual Teams

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Lesson 4: Resolution of Team Divergence

Conflict Recognition

In order to prevent or stop a conflict in its early stages, you need to be able to recognize some of the warning signs of conflict (Garton & Wegryn, 2006). Doing so will enable you to prevent or minimize the conflict and allow your team to focus on building relationships that will help your team successfully complete your project.

Eight of the many warning signs of conflict include:

  1. Behavior out of Character. A team member's behavior changes and his or her interactions become less friendly or open with sharing ideas or documents.
  2. Undue Annoyance. A team member becomes easily annoyed with you or your suggestions and it seems like you can do little correctly.
  3. Cliques. If the team has had a difference of opinion on how to proceed and team members form cliques around the opposing ideas and are unwilling to move from those positions.
  4. Irritability or Argumentative. A team member begins arguing with ideas presented to the team and is sensitive or bad-tempered to any attempts to discuss ideas.
  5. Disrespectful Communication. A team member uses language in communications that is confrontational and seems to be challenging you to respond in a like manner or intended to make you angry.
  6. Ideas Ignored or Dismissed. A team member ignores or quickly dismisses any suggestions or ideas that you may have as not being of value or worth to the team.
  7. Action-Reaction Changes. A team member seems to react to interactions on the team instead of acting in a positive manner.
  8. Lethargy. A team member has a lack of energy and does not complete assignments or interacts with a lack of enthusiasm or engagement with the team.

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This website is a 2011 BYU project funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant (# EEC 0948997).

Content Author: Dr. Holt Zaugg, PhD EIME

Content Co-Author: Dr. Isaku Tateishi, PhD IP&T

Web Developer: Jennifer A. Alexander, MS IP&T

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