Cultural Competencies

 Principles of Global Virtual Teams

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Intercultural Communication: Barriers

Reflection and Practice

Choose one of the following two activities and complete.

  1. Conduct a search of international and cultural organizations or people that is the same as your team member's. Find any events that are happening. Attend one of these events if possible.
  2. Using the framework, identify aspects from your and your international team member's culture that would fit into each category. Compare and contrast with an international team member.

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Cultural Competencies Home

This website is a 2011 BYU project funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant (# EEC 0948997).

Content Author: Dr. Holt Zaugg, PhD EIME

Content Co-Author: Dr. Isaku Tateishi, PhD IP&T

Web Developer: Jennifer A. Alexander, MS IP&T

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.