Cultural Competencies

 Principles of Global Virtual Teams

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Lesson 2: Team Processes


Early in the forming stage of the team, members need to understand the communication styles of other team members. Some international members, who have good English language skills, may prefer to communicate via text messaging rather than have audio conversations. This allows them to consider how to frame responses and alleviates any embarrassment they may feel because of an accent.

In some cases, if the international participant's English is not strong, team members may need to use the native language of the international member if possible. Whether communicating with audio or audio and visual, team members will want to have text messaging available to clarify terms or words that are difficult to understand. Whatever the steps taken, team members need to fit the type of communication media and style with the task that needs to be completed. For example, if clarification of an assignment is needed, team members may just chat with team members if they are on-line instead of e-mailing or using a personal video-conference.

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This website is a 2011 BYU project funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant (# EEC 0948997).

Content Author: Dr. Holt Zaugg, PhD EIME

Content Co-Author: Dr. Isaku Tateishi, PhD IP&T

Web Developer: Jennifer A. Alexander, MS IP&T

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